The Nikon Z 28mm F2.8 - My personal Review

28mm, perspective straightened in Lightroom

The Nikon Z 28mm F2.8 does not have many user reviews in the net. It seems to be overshadowed by the excellent, and expensive, S-line of Nikon Z lenses. More a lens to look down to from that high standard. I think this is an undeserved verdict.

As to the construction, it contains a bit more plastic than other Nikon Z lenses, including at the lens mount. It is also not weather sealed. That explains the relatively cheap price. I wouldn't hesitate to call the lens sturdy enough for everyday use, even in bad weather. There is no switch or button on the lens.

The manual focus is by wire. I never had problems with that. Some cannot get used to it, but it seems we have to live with it. The AF is fast enough for such a lens and accurate. There is no focus breathing as far as I noticed.

28mm, f/2.8, 1/320, ISO100

The lens is sharp in the center, even wide open. I did not check the corners scientifically, but in real life they are sharp enough, especially from F4 upward. This is not a lens for product photography, or reproduction, anyway.

28mm, F11, enhanced close foreground

28mm is a special focusing distance. Some like it, some don't. It enhances the foreground, and that's how it should be used. Get close and do not be afraid of a bit of distortion. If you do not have a foreground, you need a clean scene at this wide angle, or you get a confusing mess (unless that's your intention). I love the 28mm range the more I use it, and looking through older images, I used it more than other ranges.

28mm, F3.5, closeup DOF demonstration

The obvious question is, why not just use the kit zoom at 28mm instead? There are three reasons. 

  • The first reason is the wider aperture of F2.8 over the F4 (24-70) or F4.5 (24-50) of the affordable zooms. Use it to isolate subjects even more than just by going close. In low light, one stop may not be enough to help. But the lens works well with the IBIS, at least up to 1/10th of a second.
  • The second reason is the size and weight. I find it an ideal lens for street walking and not drawing too much attention. The 24-50mm kit is just as small, however. 
  • The third reason is that some like the restrictions of prime lenses. I can understand that and often feel the same. But that may be just laziness to learn how to handle the freedom of a zoom.

I have added some images to show you how I use this focal length, and why I keep it.

28mm, clean landscape


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